How to Register Advertising and Marketing Company in Pakistan
Advertising and Marketing Companies provide services in the areas of advertising, media and awareness campaigns. Registration of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is first step for registration.
Regulatory Registration:
If a company just do media management, event management and printing work or engaged in printing, designing and installation of billboards , sign boards and banners then no regulatory registration is required.
Newspaper Advertising:
Advertising companies which want to indulge in advertising activities must be registered with All Pakistan Newspaper Society (APNS). Without APNS registration no advertising agency is allowed to work with newspapers ,which are member of APNS. Further for government.
Media Buying House: Media Buying Houses are also required to be registered with APNS.
Company Registration Process
Step 1- Application for Availability of Company Name
First Step of Company Registration is reservation of company name.
Following things must be kept in mind while applying company name . Applied company name can be rejected due to below mentioned reason.
- Identical with or resemble too nearly to the name of a company;
- inappropriate; or
- undesirable; or
- deceptive; or
- designed to exploit or offend religious susceptibilities of the people;
- Any other ground as may be specified, by SECP.
Step 2 – Document Preparation
Following documents are required to be submitted for company registration
- Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
- Data Forms
- Memorandum of Association:
Memorandum of association contains name of company, registered office of the company, principal business activities , authorized capital and liability type of members.

Advertising, Media and Marketing Company Registration in Pakistan
- Articles of Association:
An articles of association is basic company document which describe the ways in which affairs of the company will be managed by the directors after registration of company. Articles provide rules and regulation relating to meetings, decision making in company, proceedings of meetings etc.
- Forms
Huge amount of data is required to be submitted to incorporate a company , this data relates to registered office, personal details of directors, CEO, authorized capital, principal activity, paid up capital etc.
Step 3 – Deposit of Fee
After documentation fees is deposited, registration fee can be deposited in any designated branch of UBL and MCB.
Step 4 – Certificate of Incorporation
After deposit of fee and submission of documents , if any objection is raised by concerned SECP officers then such objection is removed and the revised documents are filed.
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See also Consultancy Company Registration in Pakistan
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