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Tourism Company Registration in Pakistan

How to Register Tour Operator Business

Tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world, economies of some countries entirely depend on tourism Tourism industry contributes huge foreign exchange towards the local economy in the form of payment for the goods and services needed by tourists. Pakistan has a lot of potential for tourism due to its diverse and rich heritage and  culture.

Beautiful valleys of the northern areas like Kalam, Swat, Murree, Abbotabad ; mountain peaks of  Qarqaram, K2, and other  cities of country like Lahore Islamabad, Karachi, Multan etc make Pakistan a paradise for tourists. Beside foreigners every year hundreds of thousands of local residents of Pakistan visit different areas of Pakistan, specially northern areas. Rawalpindi and Islamabad is a gateway to northern areas, KPK and Azad Kashmir. Hence thousand of tour operator and tour manager are working in twin cities.

Thousand of tour operators are working in the country which facilitates both local and foreign tourists, further Haj and Umrah services are usually provided by tour operators.

Tourism Company Registration in Pakistan

Tour Operator Company Registration Registration Process 

First step is to register your business as company with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Process consist of few steps:

Tour Operator Company Registration

Regulatory Registration for Tour Operators 

All tour operators are required to get registered with Ministry of Tourism of relevant province, tour operators working in Islamabad Capital Territory are required to get registered with Federal Ministry of Tourism.

Major Requirements for Tour Operator Registration

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