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Cyber laws of pakistan – FIA Cyber Crime Branch

Cyber laws was made in the reign of Musharraf named as Electronic Transaction Ordinance 2002.It’s first legislation by national lawmakers of Pakistan. There are 43 sections in this ordinance.

Important Sections are:
36. Violation of privacy information gains or attempts to gain access to any information system with or without intent to acquire the information.
  • Gain Knowledge
  • Imprisonment 7 years
  • Fine Rs. 1 million
37. Damage to information system, etc.
Alter, modify, delete, remove, generate, transmit or store information to impair the operation of, or prevent or hinder access to,information knowingly not authorised.
  • Imprisonment 7 years
  • Fine Rs. 1 million
38. Offences to be non-bailable, compoundable and cognizable. All offences under this Ordinance shall be non-bailable, compoundable and cognizable.

According to definition of cyber crime, it’s an activity in which computer or computer appliance used to target or place of criminal activity.

There are many types of cyber crime.

In 2007 , Government enhanced the circle of cyber law and introduced Electronic Crime Bill 2007.It was promulgated by the President of Pakistan on the 31st December 2007.

Offence Imprisonment (years) Fine
Criminal Access 3 3 Lac
Criminal Data Access 3 3 Lac
Data Damage 3 3 Lac
System Damage 3 3 Lac
Electronic Fraud 7 7 Lac
Electronic Forgery 7 7 Lac
Misuse of Device 3 3 Lac
Unauthorized access to code 3 3 Lac
Malicious code 5 5 Lac
Defamation 5 5 Lac
Cyber stalking 3 3 Lac
Cyber Spamming 6 months 50,000
Spoofing 3 3 Lac
Pornography 10 —–
Cyber terrorism Life 10 Million

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